Kafka, is that you?

You know what's funny? Aqualad's voice actor is also Cyborg's.

Now playing

Don't forget he has a Making Of video. I applaud him for his effort in such tedious work.

I was looking for a picture of Nanako from hiimdaisy's comics to use, and I stumbled on this. Can't believe I forgot that scene.

The final frontier!


Well, I recognize the figures as similar to LEGO board games, so yeah ...

*gasp* You're right.

That reminds me ...

Solider doll looks familiar ...

No HERO Factory? Oh well, not like that's Kotaku's concern.

I can't wait to read the funny captions TF Wiki is going to give these pics.

The legs?

Imagine Panrahk facing off Creepers. Kaboom!

And in Antarctica

I remember I wrote an SAT Writing essay using The Darkness video game as an example. I think the topic was on nature vs nurture.

Isn't his Shadow supposed to be?