I have a total journalist girl-crush on Nina Totenberg. If I had stayed in journalism, I would want to be her. Every time I hear her on NPR I turn it up and make my son stop talking! If I arrive at my destination, I stay in the car until she's done.

Yeah, my cats don't give a fig about the mirror, but sometimes they pose for me. I think they're narcissists.

I absolutely love the snowman's song, but I'm too lazy to look up what it was called.

What's sad is that she's at higher risk for diseases now because of the anti-vax movement. Before, those few who could not get vaccinations for medical reasons had the security of knowing that almost all others around them were vaccinated. But now, she's at higher risk because someone decided that Jenny McCarthy knows

This makes me super sad. :(

It was on his show, and it was AWESOME.

Hah! I do my best to reinforce that he's a perfectly acceptable weight and he has no reason to worry. (He really is cute as a button.) Then he'll pinch the tiny love handles that he develops every time he's about to go into a growth spurt (ever since he was 4 he'd get a little poof at his hips and then shoot up), and

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned, I wasn't directing it generally at you, but because so many of the responses were in that vein, it was easier to respond to the initial post. You are correct in that you did nothing wrong! I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you.

While I don't disagree entirely, it really takes away from the indignation of him fat shaming someone when we turn around and body snark right back at him. While he is a jerk and should be called out as one, when we talk about his "puffiness" and "bloated face," we're just as bad as he is.

I totally did. I thought MUST SEE VIDEO. Sadface.

I had a trivia program for teens yesterday, and one category was Movie Madness. For funsies, I included a question about Empire Records, and every single teen (all 26) gave me a blank stare. (I kind of expected it, to be honest. I made sure every category had at least one really tough question.) It was quite amusing,

Two years ago, I began creating an Amazon wishlist for my son. It's great because you can include things from other websites, too. Now when anyone asks me what he wants, I just give them the link to the site. They don't have to order anything off of it (or they can buy in a store), but that way they can give him

Wikipedia told me that it's because the teleprompter was going through fast forward mode, and this kid was just a freshman in college filling in for someone! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Col…

It's amazing to see what mixed opinions this is dragging up, with Jezzies on both sides. Interesting.

K, so at first I was like WTF at Damon Wayans. But then I realized he was talking about Lady and the Tramp, and while it wasn't a funny joke, I was less WTF about it.

I work with a lot of teens, and sometimes teens come in with babies/young children. I do ask them sometimes if they're babysitting...but sometimes it's actually their children instead. I only mention this because if you were young when you had your son (or if you look very young), they may be questioning you based on

My sister-in-law requested less pink. She said she eventually gave up, though. (I did my best to honor her wishes, though! I got purple and cream and green and the cutest most adorablest navy polka dotted dress ever. I sometimes am sad that I have a boy because I can't dress him up, even though I hate the girly girly

People who know it will know it by the shirt. It's Captain Hammer (aka Nathan Fillion) from Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. If you find yourself with 45 minutes to spare and have Netflix, go watch it!