The other day I was prescribed modanfil for hypersomnia. I hadn't heard of it before, but after doing some research, I'm so excited about the idea of it. (I'm waiting on insurance company approval. Insurance companies suck.)
The other day I was prescribed modanfil for hypersomnia. I hadn't heard of it before, but after doing some research, I'm so excited about the idea of it. (I'm waiting on insurance company approval. Insurance companies suck.)
The surprise attack at 40 seconds was the best.
I have nothing to add to this other than say I want bacon now.
I got the toothbrush for my son last year. It broke within about two months. Yeah...definitely don't recommend it if you actually intend to use it.
OMG I love it and its little smooshed face. Watching videos like this makes me want to turn into a crazy cat lady...but I doubt my boyfriend, son and other cats would appreciate it. But I want it and all the kittiez!
When I was pregnant, I had super vivid dreams. (A common thing, I know.) I once had a dream about my then-husband (I can't even remember it now), and I woke up in the middle of the night SO ANGRY AT HIM. But I didn't punch him because that would be ridiculous, and I got over it before I went back to sleep. It was like…
I'm sad about Nine, but I'm really, really sad about no Capt. Jack. :(
I <3 my manual Mini!
Yeah, my 10-year-old kid totally goes cross-eyed at anyone kissing. He hates it when movies/tv shows, etc., have kissing scenes. He's a lot like the kid in The Princess Bride. He'll cover his face and groan.
Yes, but was it necessary for Jezebel to report on this non-story, especially using a headline that makes it seem like there might be more to it? (The "cruelly forced" part...)
I just don't feel like this is news. I kept thinking that maybe there was some sort of weird freak out over it...but nope. Bride went to chapel, got married, took pictures with her horse outside...and she was happy about it. I kept hoping the story would turn into a bridezilla who set the church on fire for refusing…
1. I find it interesting that the headline of the VF article says "Liberty Ross on Kristen Stewart's affair..." but in the article, Ross really didn't mention Stewart at all. As it should be, it was more about her ex-husband, who is the cheating cheater.
When my son was six or seven, he said he preferred the name Skull. Or Ghost, if I didn't like that.
These are my cats. They hate each other. But I love them both, so it's OK.
I received my Veronica Mars kickstarter T-shirt today....
I've had doctors raise their eyebrows when I say I've been diagnosed with PMDD or when I say that I take a very low dosage of Zolft for PMDD. Many, believe it or not, have never heard of it. (Not my GP or lady doctor, fortunately. But my heart doc didn't know what it was...) I think the problem shouldn't be solved…
And of course instead of showing the dress in the photo, it shows her face. It seems I cannot tag these pics properly!
My cousin and I shared the same first name, middle initial AND last name growing the same town. When Facebook first became a thing, people that knew her kept friending me because she got married, so I finally had to ask her to put her maiden name in her Facebook name so people knew there were two of us!
My boyfriend has said he wouldn't be bothered either way - if I take his or keep mine (or hyphenate or whatever). My problem is that he says if we have a child, he'd want it to have his last name. But I have a child already, with my current last name. I would prefer to have the same last name as my child(ren), because…