See you there!
See you there!
Here, you can watch the full clip.
Unreal. An outrage indeed!
That's not true! He has some helpful words of wisdom in the first few games. Such as, "There's no one here right now." Genius.
I'm in tears. Thanks for sharing this story Stephen. And oh, what a hell of a story it is.
Beat Sneak Bandit deserves serious consideration for iOS game of the year in my opinion. I don't recall playing a fun rhythmic puzzler like it before.
oh boy was the joke ever on me. i wouldn't be so incredibly disappointed if i had enjoyed any of my time with the game whatsoever.
I'm finishing Assassin's Creed 3 in order to find out whether we're safe from the larger problem or not! 5 years and 8 games (that I played with story) later, and I'm finally ready to finish this story.
Very similar to this Mystery Guitar Man video published in April:
There's a website that I plan yo use to help me achieve the goal of playing everything I own: I've heard success from other users. Let's hope it can help my case.
The NHL franchise does an exceptional job of this as well.
Me and my friends always rise above the crowd by wishing a very jolly merry christmas to each other, even though our birthdays all fall in the middle of the Summer.
I don't notice any discord in the groove of the instrumentation.
Kotaku Melodic Consumes my thursdays with a dark spiralling vortex of new music combined with nostalgia.
She is quite something!
Yup, It's truly a thing of wonder!
I'm not sure if you could say this is an additional new feature, but the snow definitely fits the bill. If the weather ends up having an effect on gameplay, that could make things very interesting!
My Xbox's graphics card failed a couple weeks ago(red ring), I tweeted about it and literally seconds later xbox support replied to my general tweet not directed at them. I shipped my box off free of charge, and got it back 13 days later. I was definitely pleased.