"Tim Cook laid some pretty exciting news on us today, saying that an entire Mac line would be manufactured in the US starting next year"

So you use absolutely every feature in iOS?

While I agree with some of what you say; "Slow is definetely not a term I have heard anyone use about iOS".

To each his own, I'm not saying it's good or bad.

I agree.

Not sure where you got the impression that I would think any of that is a good idea.

"iOS is boring. It's unconnected. It isn't flexible. It's slow. That's generally the consensus. "

I think they are just trying to survive right now. They are being occupied by a foreign power that should have left long ago.

Who said anything about not using the dome? Not using something that protects your people is just stupid.. kinda makes you wonder why it's so hard for both sides to use their voices instead of their bombs.

Why do companies keep making these useless projectors...

If Hamas's rockets are completely useless now because of the 'Iron dome' how would not bombing them lead to no Isarel?

May I remind you that Hamas was also voted in.

I never went to iTunes and nothing in this video makes me want to.

They should have used EL Wire instead of LEDs, it would have been much easier to make.

It's not wrong, but it's not wise either.

Have you not read my other posts?

All I can even think right now is.. Holy Fnk!

Unless Hamas really doesn't want peace.. which is probably more than likely.

You're making less and less sense by the minute.

That the Jews faced exactly the persecution they are now imposing on the Palestinians. Whoever was there thousands of years ago has no relevance on who the land should belong to today.