"Is Having the Best Display Enough?"

Sure, it's a great idea.. unless you're Apple.

Seriously.. I'm a PS expert and I don't see it. Her angle has more to do with the illusion, than PS.

There is a "shortage" of every Apple product on nearly every product release.

Welcome to Apple.. now shut up and give us your money!

Very one sided article. The author seems to be pulling straws to make the iPhone seem leaps and bounds better than the S3. When side by side 99% of people will probably say they don't see any difference.

I'm starting to think that at least 1-2% of all iphone sales are made just to destroy the phone.

The thumb thing- I can do the same on my SII.. so what took Apple so long, if it's common sense?

You know, it pisses me off when Apple sues a company for "copying" their icons, then they go and make carbon copies of the Gmaps icons in their app.

LMAO! do reporters even fact check anymore?

lol.. in my experience it's the iUsers who won't STFU about Apple stuff.

If the adapter doesn't support audio or video.. wtf is the point of the adapter and why is it so freaking huge.

Of course it's not free.. why would Apple screw themselves out of your $30.

Spoken like a true fanboy.

WOW!!! What a whole lotta.. Meh..

And this is why Apple can sell phones no matter what new features 'aren't' added.

"It's a pinnacle of product design. It's a mild annoyance for iOS app developers. It's very probably the next phone you buy. And it's also, by broad consensus of the people who follow these things, totally boring."

It's Apple's new strategy! No longer do you have to wait in line to pre-order, now (for a small fee) you can get put on the pre-pre-order list, so you will get first dibs on pre-ordering your Apple product that doesn't even exist yet.

How does that surprise you? It's their typical response to every problem.

What that image fails to show is that there are STILL phones that look like that.