It must be great not actually doing anything with your laptop.

MS- We have an i5 in our tablet..

Unveiled in 2006.. which would mean it was in design way before.

How did Samsung rip-off the iPhone? If the newer samsung models are an iPhone rip off, then the iPhone is an F700 or Prada rip off. Why is it ok for Apple to get "inspiration" from others, but no one can get inspired by APple?

You mean this phone?

I have yet to see an Samsung phone that is "a copy" of the iPhone.

This is absolutely a good thing for the iPhone customer. Now you'll actually get some decent Google made apps.

How is this any worse than Apple saying it wanted to copy Sony when it made the first iPhone?

Really?? Kinda pulling straws now.. ain't-cha Apple?

I agree, blunts are just a waste of good weed. If you learn how to toke properly you don't need huge blunts.

Sounds like the Judge is an Applefan...

You both completely missed my point. You can make a movie that looks just as good as anything Hollywood can produce on 1/10th the budget. My point was that Hollywood doesn't know HOW to make low budget movies anymore.

And yet you put up no evidence to the contrary.. Saying it isn't true doesn't change the fact that it is. Take a course on the record industry, go work in it for a couple years or just try to get an album made by a big record company.

As far as I can tell, non of this tech goes into smartphones.. so why the purposeful Android bashing?

"The biggest losers when music gets pirated are, without question, the artists."

Movies only cost that much because Hollywood has no clue how to say no to actors who want 10 million + for a movie.

Newspapers should be banned from using PS..

How do they look ridiculous.. the one on the left looks almost exactly like an iPhone.. a cheap Chinese knock off iPhone.. but an iPhone none the less.

Wow.. people where you live must be dumb as fnck..

While I find it ridiculous. Their argument does make sense.