"GateKeeper is Apple's way of making sure you don't install anything dumb or malicious on your machine."
"GateKeeper is Apple's way of making sure you don't install anything dumb or malicious on your machine."
Soo.. older Macs aren't capable of GPU video rendering??
that's what you call an insanely great Easter egg?
but that's my point. The term "Retina Display" is all just semantics. I'm not saying the new MBP screen isn't nice, just the fact that the term "Retina Display" doesn't mean much.
If it's doing all that, it's not "Asleep". It's just running in an ultra low power mode. You can easily do the same with windows power settings.
If you set you power setting right, you can get the same results on windows. Apple is just making a fancy icon and buzzword.
If it's doing all that.. it's not really asleep. It's just in a hyper powersaving mode..
I have the WD Live at home, I checked out the Roku.. it doesn't seem to do anything more than my WD Live already does.. so how can you say Apple TV is the only competitor?
Pirating on Android is as much an issue as pirating on iOS. Very few people (in ratio) are doing it.
The amount of volume expansion due to heat is insignificant compared to the volume of frozen water in the ice caps.
In that case all of my current monitors and laptops would be considered "retina displays".
Apple's definition is a display where the eye cannot see individual pixels.. at the right distance, any display can be considered a retina display.
Soo.. how to you print the little pictures? The whole appeal of a photo-booth is having the physical photos after.
"The term "retina display" is tossed around with increased frequency and decreased meaning"
Finally someone found a use for Dubstep...
Well, it's come to the point now that giving the appearance of being green isn't boosting their profit margins, so like any corporation, they will always choose profit over environmentalism.
Only problem is that you will lose pressure.
Ya.. but it's an Archos..
How is "Touchpad" a bad name..
We've got the same thing in Montreal.. but it's in a shopping mall and on a much larger scale.