
What else would you call faster-than-normal lasers?

I'd want to shoot Morell but at the same time part of me would want to jokingly thank him for basically cutting Hitlers lifespan in half.

Since when were reviews too hard to read before commenting on them? I mentioned this in the review.

Oddly enough, I was booting up Titanfall the other day and got the black screen. But I could clearly hear stuff going on still. So I said "Xbox Turn Off", heard the dialog sound, said "Yes," and nothing happened. I was so confused and finally power cycled.
So I ran into both of these new problems that require power

Oh so you've seen the movie? How awesome for you. Moron.

Alright then...

It's really baffling how people have come to see consoles not having BC as some grievous offense, and yet it was really only a thing with the wii, half the 360, a small portion of the ps3's, the ps2, and the DS family. GameCube and N64 and SNES games are still just as good without being able to use the disc/cartridge

Haha! If it's white and has a drinking problem I'll name it after me.

Brian you're wobbling, give me your keys.

It only wobbles when people are pressuring it to.

The first step is admitting you wobble.

Too funny. It's great to see some witty-ness in the comments.

"a wizard never comes to early"

I just gotta wobble one more time, then I'm on the straight and narrow.

We need to have an intervention, it's in the denial stage!

Cool video, but I can't help but feel that the fisheye lens was a bad choice...

The mistake was you didn't read.

The fact that there are people in the world who have grown tired of Zelda baffles me.