
I heard some of them had decided that Biden was working for Trump, or was their actual savior, something along those lines, all along! 

When I was a kid I peed in some very lovely bushes and used a leaf to wipe myself. Fucking poison ivy or something like it. Hoo boy. 

Salvi And Son..... sounds like

Tangentially related: I’m a highly educated and trained healthcare worker and educator. I didn’t receive mystery seeds, but I did have some carrots start growing in my garden that I didn’t plant. “Wow!” I thought to myself, “volunteer carrots!” One day while my then-boyfriend was at work, I harvested some veg from the

Let us also not forger the greatest Canadian export since Canadian Bacon:

All day long they’re yelling

Rochester, NY is a great place to live, with many universities, and companies to work for. It’s also the home of Wegman’s Food Markets. We have one on every block here.

Luke’s tossing of the lightsaber was really the only choice that makes narrative sense and highlights the inherent problem with doing a sequel trilogy.

Ooh! A movie I did actual work on is on io9! That’s pretty cool.

Friends, I don’t know how to make clearer in an article marked impressions that this is my early experience with the game and that it’s been a complicated experience. I’m eager to play more and see what might change, but at the moment this has not been a particularly enjoyable play experience for me even acknowledging


What if you’re filling the glass with a pitcher, but the glass would actually be full of water?

The next movie would still be a prequel to Alien, so I could see it ending with the ship crashing on LV-426. Usually I’d agree that it just makes the world of the movie smaller, but in this case it seems like this is what Scott’s been working up to the entire time—just like Lucas’s prequels were working up to a burnt,

Nah, don’t do that. Nobody needs that. Doctor Who has continually been one of the most progressive shows on television, and that’s not at issue here. If anything, it’s the volume of opinions like yours that make the bulk of the fan base careful about their criticism of the new season. We’re very well aware that the

People stay even longer for failure to pay whatever fees associated with why they were in jail initially. Stuff like normal court fees. Its war on the poor.

You still got your math wrong a bit. Since Ruffalo is already an adult, however his height is, it’s still going to be 7.5 HIS head’s tall. You can’t just compare his head to the average height scale because that would make his own body not proportional.

Add yours to my theory that Original Trilogy Chewie is actually Lumpy who took on the name of his father after his father dies on the Snowpiercer train and we got a deal.

It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.

It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some