
You mention liking Captain America, yet his abilities were the product of scientific research that he wasn’t involved with, funded by the US government. Hell, MCU Banner’s accident was a result of trying to reproduce Erskine’s super soldier formula, and Tony was only able to build his suit because his father had

As I recall, Desmond didn’t even have to do any outside training. The Animus’ bleeding effect essentially accomplished what you’re describing -- no giant robot arm or spinal tap required.

The last Penny Arcade comic that wasn’t about videogames was on September 16th — and that one was about a tabletop game.

I may have enjoyed it more had it not been tied to the Arkham games. The inconsistencies, such as Cobblepot’s characterization, were just too jarring.

David Wayne was 53 when he played the Mad Hatter on the 60s Batman series, so I’m not sure what the issue is here.

Someone else has started using Fulcrum’s handle. It’s pretty easy to tell who, if you pay attention to the voice in the trailer.

Unless someone figures out who he is and murders his brother.

Seems more likely to me that Robbie would end up chasing someone all the way to New York, as opposed to Frank trekking out to the West coast for whatever reason.

I know he’s not on the list because Rogue One isn’t out yet, but I anticipate K2-SO being quite terrifyingly lovable. Here’s hoping Bones ends up filling the role that was originally intended for PROXY, as an insane droid attempting to become organic by harvesting the fleshy bits of his slain enemies and integrating

Sure. But the Alliance was already there, and they were the defenders — they didn’t need to transport troops down to invade their own base. I guess they could’ve used an U-wing to drop some soldiers off atop an AT-AT, maybe?

The new stuff introduced in Rogue One doesn’t bother me. We haven’t seen U-wings because they’re a landing craft, and the only other Rebel ground assault we’ve witnessed was on Endor’s moon. It’s been implied that the Death Troopers are Krennic’s personal security force. The TIE striker is designed specifically for

Revealing that he’s still alive would also require explaining how. There could be a lot of public backlash if people found out that SHIELD had absolute proof of extraterrestrial life prior to the Chitauri invasion. Probably wouldn’t even matter that it was a Kree corpse. Plus, remember how freaked out Other-SHIELD was

You’ll probably say it doesn’t count, but in the current continuity he’s killed at least 83 people, according to Starfire’s computer.

These are not the Wonder Twins.

Miyamoto wanted Ocarina of Time to be an FPS, initially.

Nobody has margaritas with pizza.

Even if they were canon, C2-N2 and C2-D4 were manufactured nearly 4000 years prior to the original trilogy, so they’re probably not relevant to the contemporary naming convention. Using C2-R4 as an example doesn’t work in Torch’s favor since it’s a mishmash of who knows how many different droid components, but clearly

Mikkelsen is 50, so if Galen was in his late 20s/early 30s during the Clone Wars, Mads’ current age lines up perfectly with how old he’d be during Rogue One.

My unfounded speculation is that the Rebels’ ground assault is just a distraction so that Jyn and possibly a small team can hijack a ship in order to infiltrate the Death Star (as opposed to stealing the schematics from a facility on Scarif,) which would explain her disguise.

It looks like Jyn’s wearing a ground crew uniform at the end of the first trailer, and not a TIE pilot uniform as people originally suspected.