Kate's Dirty Sister

To make things easier to find for those unfamilar with that tread, here's the owner's words:

I always took the Tavarish posts as entertainment, which they are. They weren't supposed to be serious car buying advice columns, were they? God help the person who takes them seriously.

and possibly a good lawyer

You tend to give helpful advice on navigating the new car nightmare while Tavarish posts clickbait pipe dreams about buying EB110s for the price of a new Fit, which are helpful to nobody.

You know that joke about how all cars look like Honda Accord coupes?

One of my favorite bits from the Wiki entry:

Is this some kind of satire I'm not getting?

Who says the French have no sense of humor? last I heard, they were all English cars that were flambeed

The CSeries, the COMAC and the MJet might as well be triplets. Worked on the propulsion packages for them and sometimes it was hard to tell the parts apart. Its like the difference between a Chevy, a Buick and a Pontiac.

About 20 or more years ago the Wall Street Journal had a front page article about McDonnell Douglas and their efforts to get into the Chines market. MD was setting up a factory in China to manufacture commercial planes and had to get special permission to send some of the equipment. The story referred to a five axis

I knew he was a lot younger than he looks. He is really out of shape.

Yikes, that a hard 54.

Shocking. The guy looks to be approaching 70.

Smoking, drinking, poor diet and little exercise.

smoking adds +10 years.

When I was 4 or 5 I remember complaining to my mom in the fall about having to wear pants because it was cold in the morning but too hot for pants in the afternoon. Why can't I have pants that had detachable legs that turned into shorts? 10 years later they exist and I don't make a dime.

Damn, beat me to it. This one is up there towards the top in part due to Seinfeld.

about 5 years ago I thought up the idea for the toolboxes in the bed rails that dodge is now using. just wanted integrated storage w/o the horrible look of a work truck.

We have 7 "brand new" 2012 Gallants/Lancers and even a "brand new" Saab.

Fords South African plant is similar. They're running a three-shift day to try and produce enough Rangers for SA and for export and, like Matt pointed out, companies don't ship car by car. So if you go to the Ford factory there are tons of Rangers sitting there, 'unsold' yet if you go to a dealership there is a 3-4