Kate's Dirty Sister

What's so "fantastic" ?

In before the "manuals are safer" bullshit...

Seriously, Gord ....

TIL : Most Land Rovers are also Range Rovers

4.) Infotainment

Yeah but better make it pre-kinja COTD, not the useless shit we had after.

Volvo is not a luxury brand, it's near lux like Acura and Buick. The problem is that they sell their cars at BMW/Merc prices.

slow commenting day ?

But you won't

So these have 2 arrows ?

I first read about that over a decade ago. Unfortunately, each time I could have benefit from it, I forgot.

Yeah, yeah, we know, but wagons are not making a comeback in NA. People hates them. Different market, different tastes.

You'd be wrong

Your appreciation is different to about 99% of the reviews.

Ford Focus platform is even funnier to say

So Jalopnik is like Yelp ?

Much better to drive, where did you read that ? One of the main complaint about the C70 was how poorly it drove. Slow, heavy and loose with bad brakes ...

That's the power of the hive mind.

I second that. Tires seems common, but there's a shitload of R&D involved. Modern tires are millions of times better than 30 years ago.