
What exactly was bad ass about him (besides his costume)?

Yeah, I said it.

Liam Neeson's acting in Phantom Menace is one of that film's only saving graces. Sam Jackson, on the other hand, not so much.

There are a lot of a-hole cyclists in my city, but there are an equitable amount of a-hole drivers to balance them out. :P

You also have a climate that encourages cycling.

Neat-o. How do these wondrous innovations get funded?

I live in Austin, and I just don't see any of this catching on with Texas drivers. Things are way too spread out, and Texans love their cars way too much. There is just so much infrastructure that needs to be built to make something like this workable for even ordinary cyclists. But even if we were to get some sort of

Do you think it has anything to do with anticipation? Edge of Tomorrow was so under marketed that I feel like I went into it with low expectations and was VERY surprised. Conversely, Elysium was over hyped to the point that I felt like it was kinda doomed to mediocrity.

Aw, poop. I was hoping it was more of the latter. The premise makes it seem like the perfect set up for a wonderful character study series. Put people in an ant farm, shake it up, and watch shit go nuts. LOL

Dang. Now I'm hesitant to bother. I just got the Mass Effect trilogy for my ps3. Maybe I'll pass the time with

It was a very good film. Of course, I had to dial up the suspension of disbelief factor, but it wasn't much of a task to do so.

I was wondering about Under the Skin. I'll give it a try!

What would you say are its main problems?

Under the Dome is on Amazon Prime now, and I'm thinking about having a go. Is it worth a try?

We be nice to them, if they be nice to us.

A thought just occurred to me about tech and war: With the proliferation of drones and other tech that lowers the potential for loss of human life, I find myself wondering if these advances will actually help in the long run. What I mean is, as the stakes get lower and lower with this kind of tech, will war cease to

Politics is performance art. Policy doesn't mean shit to the average American.

After reading through this thread I can honestly say that I would rather punch myself repeatedly in the face than have to talk to you at a party.

Wait. You also dislike Watchmen and TDKR?

Put simply, the sum of enjoyment I got from watching the show was greater than the sum of problems I had with it. It isn't perfect. I grant you that. But I appreciate that the writers tried to wrestle with very real human issues rather than just make something with cool space

TSA, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, IRS.