
Ha ha! My thoughts exactly!

Loved that!

I wanted to ask this, but didn't want to be pedantic. I think it looks cool, but I always assumed (grew up with OT SW and am a pretty big nerd, but not into the EU stuff) Star Destroyers were built in Zero G because of their size, and never intended for terrestrial use.

Ok. You didn't like the show. I get it. But the show was successful in the conventional understanding of the word. It was critically well-received and was nominated for and won many awards. The majority of critics and fans alike were able to look past the problems you had with it.

You don't consider the BSG remake to be a success? I'd like to know how you're measuring success.

That's an easy one.

Jesus, I HATE YouTube.

I don't like the mix of traditional animation and what appears to be CGI in the first clip. Don't get me wrong, the direction and everything were awesome and make me want to get back into mecha anime again. I just think CGI looks like shit when combined with traditional animation (e.g. Ghost in the Shell 2.0).

Adopted baby? More like Frankenstein's monster!


If there's a heaven, this is where Ronnie James rests in peace.

Yep, T3 sucked pretty hard. I think Thunderdome is an adequate sequel. Not the strongest way to end this trilogy, but it was a good movie. Road Warrior is by far my favorite.

I was 7 when this came out, but I remember seeing it. Not sure if I saw it on reruns when I was a little older or what, but it was definitely the 80's. I have it on DVD now. Fucked up movie, and you're right. It was scary because we really lived in the "shadow of atomic fear." Good call.

Oh! I wasn't upset. :) Just trying to clear up my position. Have a good one!

No. I wish it was! Poop!

My point was, best case scenario is that laws will change as marijuana becomes more and more socially acceptable. A lot of times that has to happen generationally. Another way that pot and gay rights are different are their lobbies. The anti-pot lobby consists primarily of police unions, private prisons, and alcohol

Must be the seventh sign.

Cool. I wasn't sure. I guess I was thinking dark fantasy meant something like ASOIAF or something like that until I saw some other posts.

You're welcome! I aim to please!

That's awesome! It's one of my favorites, too. Wish I could get a region 1 copy!