
February 2024 - SE produces only 1000 copies of the Collector’s Edition

It also didn’t sell particularly poorly. It certainly didn’t bomb and it’s not quite fair to compare it against FFXV, which launched way later in the consoles lifecycles to much, much larger install bases on multiple platforms.

Oh boy, gender neutral bathrooms? Yikes, Fox will have a story on this by noon, Nintendo is trying to make kids queer, or gay, or trans, or fucking something. Was Dead Space Remake the last game to deal with bathroomgate?

50 bucks that in Japanese it was the Family Restroom.

I’ve just recently started playing through Saints Row(2022) after all the patching and tweaking has been done to it, and it’s a decently passable game at this point. No, it’s not the old Saints, but it’s perfectly fine.

I actually like some of the new characters, and enjoy that The Boss remains a complete force of

There’s a major difference between a major gaming publisher and platform acquiring a developer and publisher, and what amounts to a VC fund buying them up.

Fuck Embracer.  Fuck megacorps.

Oh yeah I’m sure you cherish the idea of being a black man with a warrant out for your arrest in Memphis Tennessee right? Seems really safe and fun.

What’s extra pathetic is that he obviously did this to boost his own ego, but hides behind excuses like “it hurts the developer.” The game comes out on Friday. A leak a week before a game comes out is supposed to harm Bethesda how exactly?

in that case i’m surprised you considered this comment worthy

He’s so smug and proud it’s honestly pathetic. People like this are just so intensely lame. 

“I am now a pariah of that subreddit,” Adkins wrote in his initial email. “I get it, hype and excitement are at an all-time high. I’m just as excited as the next person, but I draw the line at theft. I was raised to believe that crime doesn’t pay. I had hoped our society, and so-called Bethesda fans could be held to

They did that ages ago to match xboc live in the pay yo play online department.

How else is the parasite investor class supposed to receive their eternally exponential growth if prices don’t go up?

That’s absolutely it. Marketing made this image, not anyone involved with the actual production of the show, and marketing is one of the most bullshit-infected realms of the entertainment industry. Laziness and fuckery are endemic there.

One of my personal pet peeves about the AI “prompt-gineers” (aside from, you know, the theft of art and labour etc etc all that) is that they will “produce” a piece of work with shockingly obvious issues that wouldn’t fly past the eye of even an armature artist....and just say “fuck it, good enough. Post”


Hire human beings/real artists, you sacks of shit.

Everyone I’ve spoken to who’s worked on this show has been saying that it’s turning out fucking incredible, narratively, so it’s really disappointing for me to see that they chose to do this as one of their first steps into the limelight.