
I’d bet good money that Disney has had this specific action ready to go for decades. Just one of many contingency plans for various possible eventualities.

It’s only a “win” in the same vein as picking the lesser of two evils. The article does go over that in the last few paragraphs.

An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.

Fuck, are we now going to have to be nostalgic about corporate marketing events?!?

“If Sony wants this game, they should let Microsoft merge and then deny access to even more games except without anyone looking over their shoulder.”

I thought the series had become a lot smaller since CS:Source.

This is such a huge loss. A very talented actor and he always seemed like such a good guy the way he’d interact with the Destiny community. He really seemed to have fun with it. What a bummer. RIP.

He took roles that might have been memorable in other hands and made them unforgettable. He was a true titan and clearly so kind. Devastating.

Companies just looing for ways to be straight up evil these days

Honestly, your comment is really hard to parse. I couldn’t entirely tell what you were trying to say either. I didn’t think you were on the transphobic side, at least.

I’ve been queuing for The Universe for AGES.

The roller-coaster at the end of the universe. 

Hot take: the Wii U was, and is, amazing—and would have been a hit if Nintendo hadn’t bungled its marketing and naming.

Then...Naruto isn’t really ending. 

It’s just a joke. Miquote’s get plenty of cat jokes thrown at them. This is just the the tone of the game.

Not well, ever really. Worked there during their best financial years (2006-2016), and year over year the expectations increased, compensation basically stayed the same, and job perks were slowly taken away.

Ten bucks says an executive is going to flee the country a day before massive fraud is reported.

Unfortunately, no. All we can do is flag and hope for the best.

Musk is a major investor in BlueSky.