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    Would you prefer it be on Livejournal? Or Myspace?

    FF8 is the best and underrated as hell.

    Oompa Loompa doobity dee, come see the effects that meth’s had on me...

    I was hoping for the pasadise of sweet teats.

    I’m leaning towards that.

    Or how this was published before Rebirth even came out, yet is included preemptively.

    Not included is the photo of the lady dressed as an oompa loompa behind what looks like a table cooking meth.

    Or make enough money that will cover the fraud lawsuit payment while pocketing the rest.

    Very much some lonely ball pit vibes.

    Come with me, and you’ll be, in a worrrrld of no imagination!

    Thing with that is the food comes to you. People taking the effort to go out and grab stuff tend to only use those apps on places that lack a drive through.

    There’s also no chance they will let that price go lower than what they want it to be. It will basically be the normal price or higher. No bloody chance it will go lower, regardless of the demand.

    The fact that they are even implementing “surge pricing” is because they are the greediest motherfuckers. No chance they

    Well, that’s one way to make potential customers go somewhere else I guess.

    Couldn’t even take advantage of that bonus, as the servers were at cap the entire weekend.

    Now if only I could get into the game if I log in any time after 3 pm eastern.

    At least this is shares in a company that could potentially get you some return if it’s successful. Star Citizen doesn’t even do that.

    “I don’t know how well building a company around an RTS will go.”

    Explains why they’ve held off on announcing anything

    Was gonna say... Right now Damage roles have free range to just wreck supports. Those who are saying support needs even fewer ways to defend themselves against damage really need to take another look at things.
