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    Nintendo is usually an exception to most things thanks to their first party stuff. They don’t even have good online capabilities, and yet they still succeed for the most part.

    I mean, limiting your releases to one platform just means less money from sales.

    The issue with some of those in the Working tier is how some prioritize everything else but what they should be doing, so you need to manually assign many of them. And if there are multiple spots (like multiple furnaces, or assembly lines, or gardens), assigning them to one neglects the others in that base.

    Certainly plausible.

    Given how part 1 ended, it did feel like they were going with a Multiverse Theory on this one.

    Same here. And it never came to be.

    Indeed. And notice how those digital games still cost that $60/70, even though they don’t have that cost of producing a box or disc.

    Not everyone has that luxury.

    Only dipshit around here is you, troll. Back under the bridge you go.

    Sigh... This monopoly money shit just needs to get stomped back down into the dirt.

    Seems that you care enough to respond.

    Who knows, but I’ve seen enough massively beige living rooms to think someone somewhere would want it.

    Electric blue made a bit of a presence a few years back in a few models by Honda and Hyundai. I love my blue car.

    Doesn’t need to be wild colors. A Black version, or a dark blue version, or red, or even beige would be fine. Just having the option available would suffice. Boring people like you can stick with white. The rest of us would like to at least have some options rather than just a single white version without having to

    Took them long enough.

    I feel bad for the people who lost their jobs due to their execs being complete fucksocks

    The scam continues.

    Hopefully it does.

    I want to make it a point to build up the relationship with Cid or Barrett to make them Cloud’s Saucer date.

    At the very least, Lake Mega-Chad deserves an award for best lake name.