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    I agree. PvP tends to ruin PvE, even just comparing the mentalities involved. Usually better to separate the styles of play.

    Like with most things, you see a whole pile of the same things come out after the first couple succeed a bit.

    There wasn’t in the tests I played in. Was mostly the PvEvP main modes where you were essentially racing to reach the final phase, and then the final phase had the two teams try and complete it while beating each other up.

    Still will just be a massive pile of Waluigi/Wiggler tryhards online.

    I was in some of the earlier tests for Exoprimal.

    Also, this.

    The only thing that would make this worthy is if the shoe’s brand was “Kuribo”.


    You mean Nowi from Fire Emblem Awakening?

    So, we can make it so those Dwarven houses can allow other races to enter as well then?

    Keanu is a treasure.

    How they haven’t had a global employee walk out is beyond me”

    I feel that detail needs to be shouted out a bit more.

    Yea I can go for $150 on this.

    Unfortunately, “Not bad” is now synonymous with a failure in AAA land and the completely disconnected execs in charge.

    The real issue though was that Miyamoto’s mentality, for the most part, still consists of releasing games that are complete, and not released in piecemeal microtransaction and DLC format. For good and for ill.

    Its not that they jsut hire non gamers with 0 passion, their entire exec structure is filled with them, and they hire those that believe their buzzword bullshit.

    There should be more adorable cat 3d models.

    Areas getting 0 snow getting a blizzard warning, while areas like Philadelphia and Delaware that average a few snowfalls a year getting absolutely 0 snow the entire winter.

    That’s pretty much how, plus the meme stock windfalls.