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    Square has the next FF14 expansion coming out later this year, so they most likely will have something, even though they aren’t listed here.

    Why do I not feel any sympathy, like at all.

    RIP :(

    Ah, only XBOne. Not PC/Steam

    Ah, only XBOne. Not PC/Steam

    And I hope they do keep supporting it. There is a fun game underneath the issues.

    I can’t wait for Shredder’s Revenge.

    Can we patch a fix to the jackasses who have an open party only to instantly boot anyone out who joins? Getting real tired of jackasses and their instakicks... Like seriously, close your group.

    The Timesplitters series is one of those in my list of series’ that really need to come back. Bonus if they also put in that fantastic stage creator from 3.

    Trick I learned it basically click quickly to pop our and immediately go back in. That draws out the shot and lets you aim right back at them for then they reappear.

    I would certainly add a better form of communication in game, and perhaps a lobby system to join a group of your choice instead of just friends or randos dropping in and out. Servers seem to have stabilized as of late, so that’s good. Also, a compass to help you at least know which direction you are heading, cause it

    Overall, this game has been very fun. Take a bunch of the enjoyable elements of Bulletstorm, and add in elements of Destiny, Anthem, and Mass Effect. And honestly, it’s certainly better than at least one of those games.

    Trickster was kinda brokenly powerful, though I’m hoping this isn’t an Overwatch style of nuke it into the ground and gradually bring it back up...

    Being that this was in development well before Jan 6th, I will lean towards coincidence.

    Ah, you set the C&D beacon. Well done.

    Wow. Penny Arcade with an actual good one!

    Didnt they say it wouldnt be like EA and Anthems always online bs back when it was announced?

    When you see their work and hiring practices, I’m honestly not surprised at all about them making a game where Reagan was the hero.

    Fixed multiple issues during sex scenes.”
    Aw man.

    Mario was with Pauline. Luigi went after Princess Daisy.

    That movie, like Street Fighter, is in the so bad its hilariously fantastic category of cult classic movie.