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    The reason was the majority of their dev team got moved to OW2. Why release a bunch of new things leading up to a sequel/expac when they could just use that as incentive to get said sequel? That’s game publishing 101 really.

    Thus why Overwatch was able to swoop in and take their audience. And Bliz is doing the right thing with Overwatch 2. It keeps the eyes and fanbase focused on them

    EA loves to phone things in and relies on massive advertising pushes.

    The thing that allowed Overwatch to take the place of TF2 is the fact that Valve decided they didnt want to make games anymore, and no TF3 came out, nor was even in development, after too long of a time. Same thing will probably happen to CS:GO, even though Valorant isn’t as good of a game. Even Smash Bros needed a

    This is really cool. The fact it has both in-house and online multiplayer makes it perfect.

    It brings awareness.

    Beat me to that analogy

    I will say this is one of the few good things about this game. Cheaters are still banned.

    Sigh. Fuck the Epic Store and their mass exclusivity bullshit.
    Get that swiss cheese of a backend away from my favorite series’.

    Because hes a cowardly little shit?

    Fingers too small to pull that one.

    Just going to leave this one here.

    Take a look, it’s in a book. Fuck racists.

    If your eyes don’t melt from the graphics quality you need a higher res monitor.


    Just do bunches of announcements and trailers with an online release.

    Just to reiterate, scalpers can go fuck themselves.

    And hope you never forget your password. To reset it is an absolute nightmare

    I’ve actually found that one to be simpler.

    Personally, I love this game. However, the hoops and clusterfuck of account creation/linking trainwrecks one needs to go through is mind boggling. Theres a square-enix acct, theres a mognet acct, theres a login name, and if anything gets borked up, all three end up being unable to play the game.

    It’s the most

    That’s probably the best comparison I’ve heard.