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    Yea, not adding Epic Store until they fix that swiss cheese of a backend.

    Delicious tears of cheaters.

    This feels like an Onion article idea...

    Don’t worry. If it were an article praising an angry orange, I’m sure they would laud the “investigative reporting”

    A twitch recording doing voice overs does though

    Insert Kreiger meme.”

    You called?

    to really pull off a league with legit prizes. That’s exactly right.

    I think many would be thrilled if it runs rampant against every one of those shitholes in that admin.

    OWL is in the millions.

    I actually like this.

    Third partys lack the straight up funds to really pull a league with legit prizes and massive promotion off. Even with all the hiccups and blunders, OWL is the first esports league to actually gain a foothold in mainstream markets.

    Did he though?

    Wow. Team management is just full of shitheels for the Titans.

    They already have one in that universe. He’s called Frank Castle.

    No, if they lose the liscence, Kurtis Stryker.

    Replace Thanos and Wolverine with Darkseid and The Question.

    I miss Stryker...

    Eh... Some do so to assist their friends to help them level up a bit, and aren’t necessarily assholes. The solo smurfs fall into the “all” category though.

    Most people who smurf tend to be.

    People just have to ruin the fun for others.