Jonathan Hays

@Frank Grimes: I find their use of Wikipedia hilarious. I think they were being sarcastic, if slightly insulted that they had to prove their claim to fame.

You know, if I was GM, I'd submit the Wiki entry if only out of sarcasm, knowing full and well that the Corvette is practically one of the most famous American automobiles.

@teknoboy66: @uzter54: @donutz9685: @reddogg: @yubbermax: @BMIV: @Mirageowner: @the big cone: Read my reply to DooDaBeeDoBaa, it'll make everything become clear! Luckily for us, this was staged, our society isn't as bad as we thought.

@WidowMaker: yep, see my reply to DooDa, it'll explain A LOT!

@Prozach1: see my comment to DooDaBeeDooBaa....It'll explain a lot! :-P

@DooDaBeeDooBaa: yeah, it's hilarious - fortunately for our society, they're staged. The freakout kid actually writes the script and acts it out with his family playing along. The truck was his grandpa's old beater.

@stöke, pinin' for ina: Yeah, it shocked me at first, but turns out the kid is what I guess you'd call a script writer(?). He appeared on Tosh.O and admitted the "freakout kid" videos were fake. Excellent acting though right?

Now playing

oh, I got a car alright Tom.....I got a car. Was it what I wanted? NO!!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed the vette's sound effects; however, I don't approve of the way the said sound effects were released.

that sent chills down my spine..... No amount of money is going to make up for what that family lost. Very Sad....

I got to hand it to this guy, that's the best looking knock-off Lambo I've ever seen. In all honesty, I'd even hesitate at calling it a replicar - no, I think Tribute car is more fitting. This guy probably knows more about the in's and out's of a Miura's shape than a lot of Miura owners. I'm impressed, and I want it.

That's pretty stinkin' cool...... I want to go there now. I'll just have to travel to Europe First.

@Panhardrod: And what on earth made you sell it!!??? I'm jealous....majorly jealous.

@Novaload: I can't help but think that it may also have been known as the cadillac with braces......

@salt_bagel: I personally, would love to have the 56 Nomad....

ahhh..... pure bliss.