
Let’s treat innocent people like inhuman garbage while they’re at their most vulnerable and desperate to survive.

Whatever, justify leaving people high and dry and humiliating them in the process all you want. I have some actual ethics and your bloviating isn’t making a dent.

I didn’t suggest they never had problems. I suggested that as they had decided to have a child seven months previous to his leaving, their relationship was not likely on its last legs at that point. The reason you don’t hear about this happening all that often is that most people recognize that pregnancy will put some

There’s a huge difference between people can ‘never get divorced,’ and nobody is allowed to call me a shitheel for dumping my 7 months pregnant partner.

We don’t know that their relationship was ‘bad’ previous to him falling in love with someone else. And yes, he could have held his dick in his hand for a couple of months and stayed with her until the baby was at least a few months old. People need to grow the fuck up and not always demand to have exactly what they

I think it’s also about leaving baby-mama alone at the time when she most needs the help. And you (figurative you, I’m not assuming that you specifically have done this) can say you’re still going to help, be there, etc. but the feelings run so high that it gets in the way of that, and she’s extra alone at that time.

Oh, shame on her! I have always liked Carey but this I cannot bear.

Why is everyone always having Gatsby-themed birthday parties and weddings? That book is about terrible people being terrible! All of Gatsby’s fabulous parties are just a cover for his miserable, lonely life built on a foundation of lies! It is not an aspirational tale!

I didn’t like Weezer before I knew any of this.

HAHAHAHAHA, no. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are wrong and you have bad taste.

I’m sorry I don’t gif, and I’m not graphic designer. This is just done with love and a limited amount of time.

Hate to be that girl but one of Kourtney’s kids is the Flash...a DC superhero.

A lot of women have dealt with the ‘past trauma’ of being told that they are loved and this is life long committed relationship and to just wait (or to just trust) and then been left in the dust with children and limited financial recourse. That’s trauma.

So how do men know that magic moment when their partner is ready to commit? Oh, right, they don’t-they just get to decide when they’re ready and then ask. All this talk of ‘ultimatums,’ is really just saying that when a woman is the one bringing up marriage it’s suddenly not a proposal or a discussion, it’s her being

If someone didn’t want to get married, would you tell them they just weren’t very committed to their partner if they’d leave rather than get married? Marriage is legitimately that important to some people for legal, emotional, and sometimes religious/cultural reasons. Having it be a deal breaker does not mean you are

By why doesn’t that go both ways? If a dude is willing to let go of an amazing relationship b/c he doesn’t want to buy a piece of jewelry and have a party, then he should find someone else too. If that is what marriage is REALLY reduced to, then that should tell you something either way. The men in your friends’ lives

I think you’re missing the whole part where it isn’t just a title and a party (OR just a ring and a party). Again, that’s the wedding, not the marriage. A wedding is not a marriage.

It isn’t just a ring and a party. That’s only the wedding, and not everyone wants much of a wedding anyway.

The only “promotion” I saw was Anthony Mackie endorsing Trump.