
It’s Tracy, she often has this way of writing on here. Mirroring her own life. She had a child a couple of years ago. I get the feeling that she therefore sees that as right, being with the man you have a child with. I could be wrong but she gives me this sense a lot.

So true, so so true. Not only in romantic relationships either.

A. Thanks for the inspiring story and B. Your last sentence is pretty much perfection :)

It’s an important point, why must everyone be assumed to be straight unless pointing out?

Diane Keating, turning being insuffrable into an artform. Geebus.

How this clown is where he is is a testament to the failings of American politics, the drawbacks of capitalism and the embarrassment that is the human race.

Hahaha rich people are weird!

Gella is right...I mean, for a second when it was over it felt like it was a good movie. Then came the realization that it had been so much visual beauty that you enjoyed it all so so much. Armie Hammer isn’t too bad either.

I take back deep, it wasn’t deep analysis. Anyway, I think that’s why a lot of people like it...it’s a story, it makes people feel good...clearly not everyone but a lot of people (except for the story where the guys go to the US, that one’s not even cosy/cute).

I can’t believe anyone seriously likes it.

There are some good ones, you just don’t seem to have watched them.

Before you go deep into analyzing this movie makes you feel good. It has great shots, befitting music, some humor and a few story lines that end in a comforting way. This is it.

The only one appearing to be trolling is you. Why on earth have you got it in for this person? He/she is being factual and discussing like a normal person, you get angry just because he/she doesn’t agree with you.

He goes to her village/town to tell her how he feels. How is that stalking? He doesn’t go there to analyze her patterns or watch her.

Have you done the same with Zayn though? Because if not then your comparison is lacking.

Chris is attractive Hemsworth. Not Liam.

Why are you using a photo of him as a teen?

Apparently the text thing wasn’t true after all.

Really horrible year. Truely.

They’re similiar types but I don’t think they look particularly similiar in features.