
I mean I suppose, it’s just that Trump is so upfront and unapologetic about his horrendous views that I feel gobsmacked anyone can like him. Here in Sweden we get just little sliver of him, on the news and only occasionally. I saw a speech in which he was shamelessly going at it about Mexicans. I couldn’t believe it.

My problem with Swift and Spotify is that Spotify isn’t free and the artist does get money. She probably thinks it’s too little, she or her record company. I think maybe music has been overpriced before. I’m not sure, but I think it’s worth considering...does music have to be a profession that leads to huge amounts of

It is so incredibly difficult to grasp why people like this guy. Just absolutely astounding. There really aren’t any redeeming factors. Yet look at the woman with the baby. Just...why?!

I guess you don’t know what they do to people who want to leave their sect?

Living in the US makes it relevant for her to worry about USA too.

I was so confused by this for so long. Apparently it’s debatable, at least as I have learned now. You have to be three things: have turned 35 on election day, have to have lived in the USA the past 14 years (there goes my eligbility at the moment damn) and be a natural born citizen. Apparently he was a citizen at

He’s a sect leader, he probably knows how to be nice. Doesn’t mean he has this huge, kind heart.

Whoa he’s far more horrible than I thought. I never really liked him but this, ew.

So people still don’t see the problem with diamonds? Wow.

<3 Not just regarding weddings but in so many instances in life people keep saying things like this. How one shouldn't consider other people's feelings, how one should just do what one wants. But it isn't that simple because we also care about people.

She does try to be likable but in other ways.

I’m not sure it’s just that, it’s also having focused on a career for so long she hasn’t really developed a personality.

Louis Tomlinson is like a really annoying 14-yearold. Geebus. Easily the worst member of one direction.

There is a behaviour pattern in destructive relationships, where the people in the couple will feel a stronger connection as a result of the destructiveness. They will feel the need to fix the problem. I still thought Rohanna was past this but maybe not.

I know, Louis keeps proving how he is THE worst.

Is this supposed to be snark towards Diana or?

Now I saw, it was the first thing you wrote before all the photos :)

This was funny but I don’t find myself any wiser.

Who is this guy? Seen him in so many photos like this.

But someone coming on stage, probably paid to do so, doesn’t really mean friendship. I don’t know, she may be friends with them for real...I just doubt somebody with such a busy schedule has all of that time to make gazillions of friends.