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So why is a day one game breaking bug in Diablo III newsworthy but a day one game breaking bug in Mass Effect 3 not?

Silly Derpy

I know, right?

To my knowledge it's only affected Xbox 360 users.

Sounds like QA bs'ing a piss poor excuse to be lazy and easily back out of fixing a legitimate problem.

Thank you for the concern and support you guys! A month or so would have been acceptable but after two months with little to no communication and any proof of progress on what was a "high priority" problem this whole ordeal has become absolutely ridiculous.



There's also the fact that the Xbox 360 version is limited to world sizes of 1024x1024 blocks (basically the confines of the map you are given).

Do you own the game? Just wondering because it's blatantly obvious that you can spend real money to get in-game packs. You go into the Store and choose the option to buy with $ instead of credits.

Micro-transactions my friend. Lots and lots of micro-transactions.

Drinks aren't bad either. It's always awkward traveling to places that don't have QT's.

KC = my current residence

Apparently multiplayer DLC is the exception as it makes them bookoo bucks.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy IIRC

Then be on you way. You won't be missed.

"Microsoft may launch a $99 Xbox 360 package attached to a two-year $15 monthly subscription plan, according to a new report."


But, in essence, the same thing.