Meh. With the limited screen real estate, you can basically see the first result with your keyboard up. If that happens to be an ad, well... sucks to be you.
Meh. With the limited screen real estate, you can basically see the first result with your keyboard up. If that happens to be an ad, well... sucks to be you.
@NYBase: So that they could fit a full-sized keyboard under an 11/13" screen.
@sstephens93: Sad because that's what we consider "average" these days? I concur.
@darkanimematt: I just went to track that one down. I though it was way more impressive.
When I was a kid, I learned pretty quickly that the best way to lie is to tell the truth, but embellish it so much that it won't be believed.
@zensflare: This was my guess.
@baltwade: Did they take out the Netflix app? Boxee had one awhile back.
@Nelson: Apple's pretty good at doing beta releases every other tuesday. We'll see how many more we get.
@AARST: Then you should buy the game! Its level editor is:
@CSX321: I mean the magsafe. You're right about the 30-pins. Apple licenses those.
When Hypermac says "original Apple MagSafe connectors", it sounds more like they actually purchased them (maybe from Apple's warehouse or repair shop or something).
@vic06: I don't think there ARE royalties. I'm fairly certain Apple doesn't license that design to anyone.
@Les Mikesell: Probably. I wasn't so much saying that it's awesome that it can play Netflix via Airplay, but rather that the icon is showing up in third-party apps using the iOS media player framework.
@Michael Lewis: Gah! That sucks. AirVideo is having problems playing on 4.2b1, too. :(
@Louis Tovar: Probably because the developer had an iPad and thought "God, I'd love to have VLC on here."
@whatne1wuddo: I'm guessing only official-format media will be Air-Play-able. That is, currently, the netflix app (in 4.2) has an AirPlay button, ZumoCast doesn't. Might just be because they're calling the player differently. *shrug*
@crazypills77: Yeah, it's pretty, but still VLC-ish. I'm a big fan.
@Lazarus511: I have no idea why you would assume that the 3GS and 4 have the same battery, but I'll correct that assumption: they don't.
@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: I like the grid idea, too, but my big concern is that everything is too similarly-colored. That is, on my iPhone, nine times out of ten, I'm skimming through my apps, looking for one the same color as the app I'm looking for, then I look to see if it's the one I want.