Don’t forget your Vitamin D supplement for the deficiency you’ll probably get as well!
Don’t forget your Vitamin D supplement for the deficiency you’ll probably get as well!
Crawl is a great idea on Switch but..... The Switch continues to be a system with games I’ve already bought and played. Zelda was great. Mario Kart is fun. Other than that, I really regret buying the Switch so early. I’m not interested in any of the upcoming games that I can see. I’m thinking about selling it already.
Move to China.
So if there was a Pharah skin like the one cosplayed above, people would lose their shit. It would be sexist and too revealing. But when it’s cosplayed there doesn’t seem to be any quarrel with it. What gives?
Articles devoted to trailers celebrating a new game icon. That’s what we’re doing now.
You must have missed the repost, and your false sense of moral high ground just confirms my original assessment. (thumbs up)
Really easy being a cunt in the comments huh? Maybe you should take some of that energy and apply some logic to the situation. Streaming for 8 hours isn’t hard work. There are plenty of people who work a “regular job” behind a desk all day for 8+ hours, go home and play hours of video games, and they aren’t about to…
I think you missed my point.
Doesn’t fit with the take.
Doesn’t sound like it.
Different circumstances dude. Read the article.
Firm handshakes for you sir.
You should get Dr Disrespect’s $100 headshot on PUBG for the next entry.
Damn. Hate that I just bought the last deal on a 4K monitor instead of this one. Pretty good deal here.
Damn. Hate that I just bought the last deal on a 4K monitor instead of this one. Pretty good deal here.
Target is doing buy 2 get 1 free on board games as well as video games.
Target is doing buy 2 get 1 free on board games as well as video games.
It feels more like a message in a bottle. I write it, cork it, send it, and never know if it’s going to make it.
You’re gonna get stuck in the grays with people like me if you keep spitting this hot fire!!
You sound very level headed and mature. That begs the question... What are you doing here!? ;-)
Hard to get out of the grays with a comment like this.
I’ve bought this headset 3 times now. Lost one to a flood, another to a puppy, and now I’m guarding my third with my life. It’s a great headset. Sound is good and the comfort is better than most. Highly recommend.
I’ve bought this headset 3 times now. Lost one to a flood, another to a puppy, and now I’m guarding my third with my…