
Professionalism. Look that up while you’re at it.

Killing Nazi zombie does not equal politics. Grow up. Fucking sheep.

Was joking about that gag with a friend the other day.

It’s about as funny as a dab. For everyone. Or it should be.

Tired joke.

Jumping to conclusions > Police work. You’re the worst.

Award winning writing here.

Yeah. Ruins the whole game. (Sarcasm)

Keep hoping

I was so pumped for this game when it got announced I built a PC just for it. And then I kind of forgot about it and have built 2 more since. Lol.

Is that Jean Grey taking on Daredevil? Looks awesome.

I’m a pretty good Sombra too. You don’t have to be an expert to play any of the characters and play them well. You just have to have half a brain. So please, for the love of God, find you 5 friends and play only with them and tell them how to play.

I’m actually a really good Hanzo. Keep gold medals like Michael Phelps. I don’t really play him much anymore because of all the whining.

This Hanzo main should be happy. Yeah. I admit it. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?

This Hanzo main should be happy. Yeah. I admit it. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?

Try dropping your heal before you ult maybe. Coordinate with your team. Idk man. It’s about the simplest ult and hardest to get away from in the game.

Is the skin less than great? Sure. Is your take ridiculous? You bet.

I’m really enjoying watching it. I have a couple of friend’s who are officers and I got them into Eli and now a bunch of them watch him. Lol.

So how do these servers work? He roleplays as an officer, but what about everyone else? Do people take control of random NPC’s and just act this stuff out as it happens or do they have avatars they go around put themselves into these situations? This whole thing is new to me. Been watching him for about an hour.

So you called the cops, right?