

Also...your footsteps are loud af but when you drop from a second story and land on the ground you don’t make a sound.

Some of the WORST voice acting ever. Zoe drifts between a British accent and a horrible attempt at Cajun nearly every time she speaks. The other Cajun attempts are terrible too. Mia isn’t very good and all of that makes Ethan sound good but he’s just OK at best.

An unverified memo alleges ties between Trump and Moscow. Trump strongly denies them. So does Russia. Facts, analysis, and more on this ongoing story.

Fingers crossed...

Depends on what side of the fence you’re standing on. The way I see it, if ACTUAL JOURNALISTS didn’t see fit to report it, then maybe there was a good reason. Buzzfeed should never be considered a news source.

Surprisingly....not that many Deadpools! There was a Hitman Deadpool mashup and a Deadpool with no mask and a Hugh Jackman cutout mask. That one was pretty great.

I saw a ton of McCree cosplay at Wizard World’s Comic Con in New Orleans over the weekend. Second only to Harley Quinn.

Never been to reddit and has opinion about reddit. Typical writing around these parts.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about Star Dew Valley. Should I pick it up or nah?

But he has played video games before. He’s an expert.

I came here to make sure Socom and Champions of Norrath was on here. Then I got mad about FFXII. FFXII...really? GTFO. Just GTFO.

Fragility, in general, is a real (and concerning) thing.

Not seeing the Elite controller discount. Assuming they’re out?

Not seeing the Elite controller discount. Assuming they’re out?

The Clash of Clans trailer is actually pretty entertaining though.

Do some work yourself.

People still play this game?

You need education

You’re not helping yourself. Just stop.