The small red and white sticker at the bottom left....first thing that jumped out at me.
State Farm....wise choice.
Great. So my Evolve Alpha probably isn't downloading right now.
I agree with you that if he started training for this sooner he would be a force but I still don't think he can take a punch and when I say that I'm saying basically the same thing as you just did. I remember how the Carwin fight played out but I don't remember the details and thanks to Fight Pass I can't recap. …
Diverticulitis or not... The guy can't take a punch. He's all hype.
"It's generally made even worse by the lack of strong female characters with actual agency to act as a counter-balance." Weren't we just talking about the presence of one thing doesn't atone for the presence of the other?
They just recently signed RDJ to a huge deal to be in Cap 3 which will kick off Phase 3. Since then they've been drumming up some publicity to get people ready for this announcement. It's all timing. If you think they care about DC and their thrown-together universe then you're underestimating just how hard they've…
OK....I thought the plane crashing thing was once in a lifetime. My brother and I watched my Dad play San Andreas while giving him a hard time. "What are you doing just running through the woods?" "Leave me alone!" Randomly......BOOM! He blows up. The camera zooms out to show a plane that crashed into him. We…
You people are incredibly passionate about potato chips...
"Team full of Peruvians over here"
According to you I'm "JAQing On" (?) so I figured I would speak in a way that appeals to someone incredibly open-minded like yourself and seems to think they can change the world with their clever and original quips about how everyone else is racist. (Sarcasm throughout)
As the preface points out it was a legitimate question. Another question I would ask would be, how does your perception of undertones in a photograph imply that the photographer or media outlet is racist? It's a photograph. It is what it is. It's not taken as an art piece. The care for an ebola patient in Africa…
Sounds like the good old days in Socom 2. Stakes were higher, communication was meaningful (most of the time), and adding an aspect of gameplay during downtime sounds like a ton of fun to me. It will be a definite buy barring it just outright bombing.
Here's a legitimate question...what can we do to make it better? Becoming an anonymous keyboard warrior and fighting fire with fire won't help.
Didn't know that was a thing. Haha. I've gotten to the point in my old age where I either mute or ignore text chat. Especially in dota and twitch.
RIP stands for "Rest In Peace." The additional "in peace" is redundant.
Sniper is among MANY characters that have a negative stigma. It's almost impossible to make it through a pub game without seeing a Riki, Sniper, or Bloodseeker.
You can't really get the satisfaction from watching it either. It's kind of empty unless the controller is in your hands.