I haven't seen EVERY single one, but was he ever really the good guy or just the lesser of 2 evils?
I haven't seen EVERY single one, but was he ever really the good guy or just the lesser of 2 evils?
But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....So maybe Need for Speed: Friends....but I view my friends as family.....So maybe Need for Speed: Family.
If the thought of this being real footage is getting you down, do like I do and pretend it's the worst Star Wars fan film ever made.
Prices are live.
Am I? Or do I just seek other fulfillment from an art form that's clearly open to interpretation? I do enjoy identifying with characters. It provides a different feeling and depth to the experience, but I don't look for that in a comic book about a group of mutant superheroes. "Man....these adamantium claws sure…
Not knocking you or trolling....but I never really understood the statement about identifying with characters in comic books or movies. I don't look to a comic book about mutant superheroes and expect to find anybody I can truly relate to.
It locked mine up too while booting up the first time. I gave it a while, pulled the power cord, started the system back up and was good to go. I feel lucky for once.
One of my fondest memories of the game was riding through the woods and stumbling on a man that needed help. I had helped people before. I figured it would be the same song and dance. When I arrived at his camp I was perplexed to find a woman tied up and turned to find this man unloading on me with a shotgun. I…
Yes....the entire game is irrelevant. Smh. It's more gratifying to pull off crazy stuff like this because it doesn't feel "automatic" like it does in Saints Row or Just Cause.
If it makes you feel better....everybody loves boobs.
Sloopydrew must be one of those people that bought SimCity at launch.
Wait.....wait wait wait wait wait. I'm surprised this article is even posted. This is the same site that complains regularly about inaccurate breast representation and overselling sex in video games right? This is a prime example that there is just no pleasing people.
At first I thought that was a kid with a disability. The feet are pigeon-toed real bad and I thought the Claptrap arms were crutches. I was about to cry foul but that just can't be the case.
I didn't realize Xerxes made a cameo.