
“Sorry, act of God. Declined.”


Only if your tires are 1.5 psi low.

“Vot dos dis do?”

“Pretty sure that’s the Sudetenland, dude.”

Didn’t you get the memo from headquarters?

Maybe because X% of their stock expires unsold? (I dunno, just throwing out something that could drive up COGS)

And that’s if the first pen doesn’t run out of ink.

Wait, better people chase better pay?

Does GM want to become the next FCA? (legitimate question)

That sound you heard was the entire population between Missouri and Mississippi Rivers spooging all over their keyboards upon seeing this.

If the house is built upon debt securitization and overleveraged borrowers, is it worth keeping?

“more trucks and SUVs, with 9-year underwater loans and cross-your-fingers fuel prices until they fall apart, please.”

Customizing a Fugue now...

It’s not a tariff. They said so. /s

Answer: because economics is a real-world experiment, variables can’t be isolated and alternative outcomes measured. Sample size of 1. Ergo, any hypothesis for economic performance, null or not, may be correct.

Stop and consider the null hypothesis for a second:

“But ‘Murican”

Could it just be signaling?

Cut off the unnecessary headroom in the back