There’s no “I” in “team”.
There’s no “I” in “team”.
To teach Congress a lesson about responsibility, a bunch of those subcontractors need to be fired.
These execs already expect VW to get the Eight Bells treatment, so they’re just sucking out as much blood from the soon-to-be corpse before the trainer loads his shotgun.
They screwed up, now own it.
So, Congress outsourced its job to a willing third party, and it’s the subcontractor’s fault.
Do you read Foxtrot Alpha?
You’re not diversified. You need to add: polluting, discriminating, bribing, and swindling to your task list.
1st gear: The answer is that they’re trying to milk this cow for every ounce of milk (euros) they can stick in their own wallets before the bills arrive and the cow gets slaughtered.
“I’ll take a passion fruit.”
So true. It’s the driver’s responsibility to ensure the tires aren’t 1.5 psi low.
Maybe that’s Aubrey McClendon.
Im trinna quit da net.
Oh, pleeeeeeaaaaase link!
Actually, that looks more like a bike show....
What did that innocent telephone pole ever do to them?
“Doesn’t seem fair at all.”
See above reply.
See above reply.