
It’s NYC. On that city’s Assh-o-meter, this barely tickles the needle.

Costanza: “I just wanted you to know that I am IN my CAR!!!”

It was a simple mistake.

The star power in that shot = massive.

OK, I was expecting Cook or Will. Lake? Now I’m puzzled.

What if VW documents emerge explicitly showing that VW put that cheat in the software in order to kill people (rather than cheat a test)?

Covering up f** ups or sh*tty cars can be a prosecutable offense, depending on who’s doing the covering and of what. (Not implying that’s the case here)

So... their plan worked? Kinda?

“What’re they gonna do, call a cop?”

If corporate America is any indication, experience in the trenches matters squat. It’s leadership that counts. </sarcasm>

What is this “salary negotiation” of which you speak? It’s like you’re postulating that there are employers who won’t just send an email stating what they decided to pay you next year.

In my community, the appropriate response is to call 911.

They are dirt cheap

I have a base Fiesta, and it’s crappy to drive. Crappy to hear the clutch scratching itself to death despite two trips to the dealer to implement the recall that is supposed to fix that.

Maybe because they’re the only ones from 1982, when that joke was invented.

And therein lies the difference. Most of these groups just take it in stride. Bimmer boys get pants in a knot. I honestly don’t know why that demographic skews BMW.

The fact that you held off judgement to see whether or not he used the truck comes across as very egotistic. Why do you get to judge others based on how they use their vehicle?

Well, just establish a fine per unit sold like the EPA does, and your scales of fairness may rebalance.