
Considering the source of the suffix, this situation seems more apropos of that suffix, compared with the trivialities to which it has recently been applied.

Shhh. Don’t rain on his narrative.

Okay, point.

You know, in a different context, your comment has a much different implication. :)

Allow me to distill that logic:

Unfortunately for VW, car buyers won’t notice.

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space..........

For the same reason a cop can’t arrest you because he has a “Hunch you’re the Son of Sam”*

If incompetence becomes a legitimate defense against penalties for making profit-preserving decisions that backfire, a lot of companies are suddenly going to profess to be blundering fools.

So, what I hear you saying is:

people with actual moneymice have voted

And it’s like the odometer is replying, “tick... tick.... tick...”

“Don’t forget about us!” — Wall Street traders

Did you copy and paste that from an adviser research report, or do you work for an investment bank? :)

Are you a Texas school teacher?

There’s a lot of men (read: giant boys) on both sides of this riot.

See, there’s another way it would be different in the U.S.: we suck at defensive driving, and driving in the elements. Faced with zero visibility and brokenmissing wipers, the driver would just assume he had the right of way, and all those “pedestrians” better stick to the sidewalks.

These are the questions that keep me awake at night.

Where tractors are plentiful, the police wouldn’t raise a finger, because they know someone who is a farmer, and is probably on the other side of the line.