I haven't gone to empty it out yet. I'll probably hate it after that experience. It has a pour spout on top but I'm not terribly confident that it will be a clean process.
I haven't gone to empty it out yet. I'll probably hate it after that experience. It has a pour spout on top but I'm not terribly confident that it will be a clean process.
The plug is reusable but the crush washer isn't. Good luck finding one too unless you're happy spending $7 at the dealer. Even and indie mechanic charged me $5 for one. That thing costs more than it's wight in gold LOL.
I have and use one of these when changing the oil on my MB. Finding the correct size crush washer is a PIA and I refuse to pay a dealer $7 for a washer. Besides, this is what Mercedes recommends. I was concerned about it not getting all of the dirty oil out so I came up with a pretty simple solution.
The drain plug is reusable but the crush washer isn't and they aren't always easy to find.
Yeah, that's about where I stand. But it's still a bit of a quandary for me though.
Good point.
Should we be excited that they are making changes to better represent people? Or embarrassed that these are the types of changes they need to represent today's society?
If it makes you feel any better, the two people I know with busas are a pretty fit Puerto Rican guy and a short Filipino chick with really big... Well let's just say when she's leaning forward on the tank, her arms barely reach the handlebar. It's actually amazing she can reach that far forward at all.
I've owned my 2003 CL55 for two and a half years. The oil has been changed 3 times (10K intervals) and I'm currently on my 3rd set of tires. If it weren't for the fact that they cost so much, I'd be on set number 5 by now. (contemplates doing burnouts after leaving the office this evening)
I've driven a CL55 at 130MPH and the car was just begging to go faster. The only thing(s) that kept me from giving in to the car's demonic will, was me thinking about how much the Yokohama's up front were no where near as sticky and reliable as the Michelin PSS's out back and an overwhelming desire to live. Those…
One bottle into a half of a tank of gas and yes, the knocking stopped while it was in the system. After the next fill up, the pinging was back.
In my case, I live in CA and the highest octane fuel we can get is 91. Unless I hit up a place that specializes in racing fuel and get some 104 at $9+/gallon. Going to one of the 3 places I know if in the county means burning a quarter tank of gas just getting there and back.
I've used this stuff before in a few different vehicles with different results. For $3, it's worth it.
Summer may be over in the rest of the country but here in SoCal, we're looking at high 80's-mid 90's and clear skies for the next week or so. Summer won't be over until sometime in November. Then spring starts...
A buddy of mine flew from So Cal to Florida to buy a yellow E30 M3. Mostly because it was the only factory yellow one he could find. This was 14 years ago. He got rid of it the moment he noticed signs of a second blown head gasket.
My cousin drives for Uber. He bought a Prius just to do the job. They're pretty thorough about making sure he's got everything together. Apparently if they can't maintain a 4+ rating, they get suspended almost immediately.
Apparently taxi companies haven't realized that one of the reasons Lyft and Uber are so popular is because they maintain high standards when it comes to cleanliness. This applies to both the cars and the drivers.
I commend you on your taste. I have a CL55, that aside from the rims, looks exactly like the car pictured. I love this car like no other. I know it isn't the same drivetrain, but both are damn near bullet proof.