This is one of the most aggressively 90s trio of music videos I’ve ever seen.
This is one of the most aggressively 90s trio of music videos I’ve ever seen.
In English, no, but when I was in Spain, it was translated to “Sex IN the City” (but in Spanish, of course).
Exactly. Add to that the fact that SNAP is one of the most economically beneficial government programs there is—for every dollar invested by SNAP, people put in $1.79 back into the economy. That’s a great return on investment outside of the other benefits, including the very obvious one of helping people not starve,…
My first thought when I saw the trailer in theaters a few weeks ago: “I swear, this movie is made in conjunction with the Winchester Estate to get more people to visit.”
I’ll be shocked if they don’t end up with a show somewhere anyway. I can totally see a whole show of this!
And now the lack of concern about the safety regulations makes sense. :(
Sounds like we’re going to have to agree to disagree, then. I go to the movies for an immersive experience, one that I can’t get at home with annoying neighbors, the distraction of a computer/cell phone in front of me, and the feeling that sitting and watching a movie is almost too luxurious. But when I go elsewhere…
Too bad the closest one to me is inconveniently located
Or, you know, you could just keep your phone put away like the rules and regulations of pretty much every movie theater and then everyone could enjoy a distraction-free movie experience.
It’s still noticeable, trust me. The last time I was at the movies, two guys a few seats over from me were texting the entire time. I could tell the screen was dimmed, but it was STILL a distraction in my peripheral.
And you don’t need to go to the movies to use it, either.
In a dark theater, that tiny little bright-ass screen is really noticeable, and it takes me out of the moment. If you need to text, stay home and watch movies (or go all the way to the top row where no one is sitting behind you and will see that screen while you’re texting).
I saw him perform live in Vegas on my 21st birthday (my mom took me), and man, did he put on a GREAT show!
So many of these entries were seeded way too low.
Deleted for double post.
While my first response was “holy shit,” am I being too cynical when I think that this will be barely enough, if at all, to actually do damage to the Trump Administration?
I have been waiting for this all damn month! I love this shit.
I have no idea!
Fantastic. An already overburdened foster system can support the influx of children, right? And we’ll surely provide counseling services for the inevitable psychological trauma that comes from separating children from their parents and putting them in a system where they likely don’t speak the language. Nothing bad…