
For mine, the prep was bad but during the procedure, it was some of the best sleep I’ve ever received.  Not saying I would call up Dr. Conrad Murray for some Propofol but I can see how someone can get hooked on it.  The nurse woke me up afterwards and I didn’t want to leave.

The prep wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected and, as an oncologist, I guaran-fucking-tee you it was about 1% as bad as a hemicolectomy followed by 6 months of mFOLFOX-6. Not to mention the whole “dying of metastatic disease after years of palliative chemo- and immuno-therapy every two weeks for the rest of your

Ugh, I cannot imagine. I stayed home and just stated within 20 feet of the toilet for 24 hours. 

Due to family history I’ve had 2 of these things and I’m not 50 yet. As preached, the prep is the worst part, it’s evil, it’s relentless and if you scream “Kelly Clarkson!!!!” on the can at 2am just know that Steve Carell is smiling somewhere.

#18a. A cordless phone

Roberto is white as hell in New Mutants and Cecilia Reyes is played by a lighter Brazilian and not a black Puerto Rican.

I’m assuming it’s the usual white flight up north.  Most of the ones around me are heading to Idaho.  This guy went all the way to Alaska just to have a “colored girl” tell him what to do.  That won’t stand.

Dismiss the troll, man. 

Place of employment? He’s either retired or unemployed. There is no way with that kind of attitude he could keep a consistent job anywhere.

She was waiting for him to put his hands on her. lol She’d have tossed this old ass pile of bones right out the damn door.

stop responding to these grey trolls and DISMISS them.

lol, she was sitting there like...

So yeah, the response was pointless. When the Root does, let me know. We all know we’re not supposed to believe our eyes but what racist folks tell us.... so I’m sure you’ll find some article and figure out a way to make it seem as if the Root are white folk haters.... We got it. For you all and those who lust after

I wouldn’t bother with that dipshit, all he does is spam every story with irrelevant links and change his name weekly so people forget who he is and accidentally reply to him. He is possibly the stupidest commenter on any Kinja site.

Spitting, screaming, threatening, etc- congrats old timer, that’s assault. Someone needed to give this doddering boomer a swift kick in the nuts in retaliation.

This. I’ve been seeing more and more of this. White people have appropriated black protesting too.

Someone needs to get busy with his name and place of employment, please.

I think you forgot to mention that the the majority of those BLM protestors were white. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But there is something wrong with it when some of those white folks are there just to cause problems and demonize the BLM movement. Basically, there’s no reason for this type of response

DOH! Got distracted. Doing chores today. Good catch.

This THIS is the main reason I could care less about the “Who hit who first.” bullshit. You invade my space by approaching me aggressively and I’m swinging. People do some sucker shit all the time. They can get a quick jab or stab on someone. Should’a carried his ass out by his collar like the dog he is.