
Nothing from Blizzard, but I was invited to hook up for sex and received several strong leads on enhancements for what's in my pants, so it wasn't a total loss.

Not tonight, honey. My testicles have a headache.

Is there evidence that any of these measures actually convince people to buy instead of rent/stream? I get frustrated and annoyed by the delayed release dates, missing extras and locked unrated editions, but never to the point that I put the DVD back in the Netflix sleeve and drive to Wal-Mart. I assume the studios

"The scientists have the viruses locked up tight for now..."

"The app, appropriately called WalkSafe"

I'd also buy that for my "kid's" room without hesitation.

I didn't really start enjoying it until about the last quarter of the book. As I read through the first two-thirds I kept thinking that Grossman didn't care about Brakebills—he was just going through the motions of exposition so he could finally tell his version of the Narnia story (which is worth the wait, by the

Yeah, I rather enjoyed it too, so that makes three of us.

"The bloody troll bullies from Innovatio are suing small owners of franchise hotels and coffee shops."

The Oregon Zoo had a neat Dinosaurs exhibit this summer. Just like Jurassic Park, but with less screaming and biting (at least until the kids got tired).

Our fridge beeps at us if we leave the door open for too long. Sometimes I'll yell "I'm not done yet" at it, just so it understands who the boss is. You can't let these major appliances get out of line. It can lead to uprisings.

Whoops—I mixed that up. It should be:

The description of what will happen on the date often doesn't live up to the actual content of the date, and is frequently conveyed to you in an unnecessarily alarmist tone.

You could try a heavier matte stock.

That was pretty much my reaction when I found out (my fault—I really need to learn to read the fine print) that Hulu Plus has some shows that will stream through the PS3 and others that are "web-only."

It's OK, Bill. You're still the best Jell-O Pudding Man.

In related news, Blizzard announced today that the "demon squirrel" is being added as a foe in Diablo III.

OK, that makes sense. Ergo, my job in healthcare publishing does not make me an expert in healthcare publishing. Thanks, Rachel.

Jason, how will you guys vet these "experts?" I think this is a great idea to build the LH community, but if anyone on the Internet can call himself or herself an expert, I'm left wondering if your readers will need to take the information with a grain of salt and do independent research to verify the experts' claims.

I can help with that—I'm an expert in star-mouthed shooting.