It’s time to D-D-D-D-DDDDDD-Deposit money into my child’s future.
Boy are they going to be embarrassed when they realize the source code was right here *points to heart* the whole time
I don’t mind suspenseful horror. I don’t do jump scares. I don’t watch modern horror movies because of that, and I don’t go to haunted houses because of that. You jump out at me, and I don’t go, “Oh man, that’s scary!” I go, “Please stop me before I punch you in the throat.”
My nephew watches this for hours. I didn’t even notice how many followers this kid has. Waittttt a nephew is cute and has toys. :Light bulb:
Why would you like to work for this company?
Well I’ve always had this thing about food. I need it to live, and it costs money, so here I am.
Another fatal flaw with Roger’s depiction: he laughs at his execution.
dammit brain
Trust me, you don’t o.o
Shippuuden is plagued with filler arcs and fluff.
I’d really just recommend reading the series instead!
Hey. Hey......Hey.....I'm much more (hiccup) attractive after like......5 shots of tequillllllllla. Mucher moreso attracti—-(faceplant)
The title of this article sounds like my worst tron style nightmares. "Oh cool! I'm in Shadow of the Colossus! O $%^@$! I'm in Shadow of the Colossus!"
Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬
Other than their lackluster drivers, their graphic cards do just fine.
Oh this it definitely not just a women thing.
I'm going to share this article with my wife.