Thank you for the very detailed post, slaw! I jailbroke my ipad and found it SUPER easy to do and didn't lose anything.
Thank you for the very detailed post, slaw! I jailbroke my ipad and found it SUPER easy to do and didn't lose anything.
Contemplating jailbreaking my iPad 1 tonight...will this wipe out everything on my iPad or just augment it? I'm planning on backing up, but I'm wondering how much work I have ahead of me.
I'd like to see another of these polls for a value-based video editor. While these are all compelling, I'd like to see what Lifehackers think is best in the sub-$200 market—such as Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11, Coreal VideoStudio Pro X4, etc.
OraganiDocHD looks very interesting. Wonder how it compares to GoodReader...
If you don't have Notability, grab it at this price. This is the app I use the most in both business and when taking classes or in church. It's invaluable. In fact, it's the primary reason I use my iPad. Worth 10x that.
Someone just posted above that the files are mislabeled. Download the iPad 1 file for both iPad 1 wifi and iPad 1 3G GSM—it works for both. That's what I need too and am downloading now.
That was the price shipped. Good deal, eh? :)
Which download did you use for the iPad1 3G? The link her seems to link to the file for the iPad 2...or do you use that one?
Anyone try this on an original iPad 3G? When I go to download the file, it's called "ios_5_gm_seed__ipad_2_wifi__3g....dmg"...which seems to be for the iPad 2, not iPad 1.
Thx Curare!
I have an original iPad 1 with 3G through AT&T. Which one would that be? Or is that the missing one?
None of these are too surprising. On Slickdeals, I've recently seen (and bought) a 32" 1080p LG HDTV for $220, and decent laptops regularly pop up for $250 or so. I'd expect retailers to replicate these deals.
Is there a list of participating libraries?
Looks great, but again, it doesn't cover videos.
I wholeheartedly agree. I use it on a PC and I've tried MANY alternatives, but keep coming back to iTunes. Yes, it's bloaty and slow when you first start it. But once it's up, I have yet to find another all-in-one solution that allows me to so easily sync my music, movies, TV shows, podcasts and audiobooks.
VOTE: Mediafly (iPad)
OK, today it worked just fine. That said, even though I have nearly 300 contacts, it found only one contact to merge. All the "loose duplicates" weren't duplicates at all. I think if you have a really messed up contact list, it might be helpful, but it just didn't do much for mine. Even though I know mine isn't as…
I'm trying it out now. It's taking FOREVER. Not sure if that's the Lifehacker effect or not, but man page loads are loooooong.