
Well said. I dumped my cable bill and haven't looked back. I get 50+ HDTV channels in my area. I can't believe the hundreds of dollars I've dumped into the black hole of cable companies over the years.

It depends on your needs. As a writer, I need it to be both.

I agree. Plus it's only $100 or so out of pocket when you buy it. For someone who wants a basic-use Android phone, it really is outstanding.

I search for reviews and read the reviews on the app. I also see how many people have downloaded it, which is a good indicator of popularity. Then, I check to see if there's a free version that does similar functionality, too.

If you connect a keyboard to an iPad, you can change keyboard settings to be Dvorak. But you're right—the onscreen keyboard is still qwerty. But that doesn't bother me. You can't type very fast with an onscreen keyboard anyway.

This is an excellent idea. I wish they let you add a "Happy Birthday" or "Happy Mother's Day" graphic in the empty space. I would love to make this replace my need to send out physical cards with photos of the kids for every holiday.

My argument is why switch the keys at all? I've been typing Dvorak nearly 20 years and have never switched the physical keys. As long as you make the switch in Windows or Mac control panel, you're good to go on any keyboard.

It's like learning a new language. I switched to Dvorak nearly 20 years ago and type VERY fast using Dvorak (I'm a writer by trade). I switched because I was getting carpel tunnel symptoms, which went away once I switched.

VOTE: LivingSocial

Thanks for the Android pick! I'm downloading now. I'm also trying SeriesGuide Show Manager to see how it compares.

Just tried it, but I don't like it as much as the stock. It's not reading some of my titles correctly, especially podcasts I've downloaded. Uninstalled and went back to stock for now.

You know what? This is extremely useful. Love that you can disable your GPS when at certain locations, too. Thx Lifehacker!

For me it has nothing to do with getting the greatest raw speed. I value OpenDNS's built-in ability to block certain content before it ever reaches our household. That's worth any small hit I might take on the speed front.

Flash support? I'm downloading now!

I would love this, too. I've been using SpringPad since it's a great media cataloger, but I've wondered if one of the other two might be better.

I'm loving it. The only thing I can't figure out is how to force App Tabs to not change the url I originally put in them. If I'm surfing and the url changes, THAT's the new url it becomes. But I want it to be persistent.

Works awesome for me! And I love that they're giving away an app a day—whoo-hoo!

True, but then again, we're only talking about tossing M&M's into our mouths, so not too far of a fall. :P

They all work together. Personally, I like knowing this because I don't follow Gizmodo, but I do follow LH.

VOTE: Hootsuite