
Only thing now is that I wish it could sync extensions.

Fantastic video. I started it and couldn't stop. Thank you, LH!

VOTE: Google. Now if I could just get my relatives to use it instead of the speed-dial to me...

I didn't know about the secret shift-right-click menu. Nice!

I can tell a difference and it's important to me. If I can get an album on CD, I'd rather have that than a digital file.

Netbooks were killer prices around Thanksgiving/Christmas and I think that's killed them now more than anything. People bought them and now demand has lessened.

@digitmint: Storytlr went defunct this last week anyway. :(

@Posco Grubb: Agreed, though if you don't read the post, your first thought is to put down what you go to when you open your own browser. Maybe it should be called something different like "Favorite online calling card" or something. :P

I just tried Flavors.me after Lifehacker put a story up about it this week. It looks great! So...

@freelancewriter: I just checked it out. It's closer, but I'd really like the "one" timeline like this service has...but with all my social services. Still, might be good for now...Thanks!

@romnempire: I haveā€”and found it very unreliable. I use [hellotxt.com] now, but it's not really as much an aggregator as it is a broadcaster (same with Ping.FM).

This is a great idea...and I'd use it, but:

This surprises me in that I've used Roboform for YEARS and never thought there was a viable alternative out there.

Seems that hibernating is the way to go. I hibernate my netbook all the time, but shutdown my PC.

I agree about hoping these can be whittled down or grouped better in the future. It used to be that we could quickly scan the BEST deals here...but now there are SO many listed, it's overwhelming.

Vote: Roboform

I've found no better deal than going prepaid with PagePlus Cellular. They use Verizon's network.

I've found no better deal than going with PagePlus Wireless. They use Verizon's network.

Thank you! I'll use this.

Looks interesting, but I can't say I see anything that would draw me away from Roboform, which has all these features and more.