
I think Pandora gets the vote based on algorithm for finding the best music you like, however, in practical use, with a desktop player, awesome stats, etc, Last.FM is the one to beat.

@chapoec: If you haven't tried it, don't knock it! I always thought one was enough...until I tried two. Now using one monitor feels like I've cut off a hand.

Very nice! I've always hated that Java seems to just install new versions without removing the old. I'll use it!

This is really cool. Fun to put in your own website and see what comes up. :)

This is really cool, though after 10 minutes of surfing the orbs at deviantart, I can't say I found anything significantly cooler than the standard orb. :(

@nutbastard: I've always heard it called "you-torrent."

Pretty cool. Too bad it doesn't work with ebay, too.

@wicketr: I agree. Usually I jump at this stuff, but with Win7 working great, why risk breaking it?

@virgilstar: Agreed, and if you're a conscientious shopper, you may have bought a lot of food at great prices and frozen them for months to come. That tips a bit overkill, but love the rest!

I look forward to it, Lifehacker! Let's Spring Clean together!

Cool idea, but when I downloaded it and tried increasing the size of my thumbnails, nothing happened—even with a restart of explorer. Oh well.

More than any past version, I am! Works great on my PC, laptop and netbook. Nice!

@Martian Yeti: Hmm...well, maybe I won't do it then. :)

This really intrigues me not for my desktop, but for my netbook. I might have to try it out. Is it light on resources?

@thinkerer: LOL seriously. When I first read this headline, I thought, "And in other news, spoons are helpful when eating cereal..."

@Simoniz: LOL good point. Geez, that's the last thing I'd need!

Would this also work for a 2-liter bottle of cola?

@TehBeardMan: It really is hard to find foods without added HFCS. Especially cereals.

@iHack: I appreciate the confidence in my abilities, but I don't have the time to make that work. But I will be keeping a close eye on Chrome. I love FireFox, but I'm not so loyal that I wouldn't switch if a better browser came along.