
Same thing astronauts report seeing in orbit and beyond as cosmic rays strike their eyes.

I saw The Last Starfighter there for my birthday. That's probably the only flick I can remember seeing there although I used to go there all the time. Hollywood has changed a lot over the years. Los Angeles has changed a lot.

Just adding that empty concrete lots have additional costs/drawbacks (and gains in cold climates) besides not providing space for revenue generating activity.

Don't forget that those lots will affect the environment by storing heat and increasing the temperature of the surrounding area. This is called the urban heat island. Developed areas in cities hold heat at greater rates than rural or "green" areas. They need an economic impact study on the amount of money lost to

Tight sweater technology is very advanced.

Lol until a nice looking groupie grad student starts treating you like a rock star. Then all that goes out the window. It's the 12 & 1/2th law of thermodynamics, hot women make male brain cells die in large numbers.

I think that process is called being thoughtful.

Yup but the FBI still found out. Petraeus knows that more than metadata gets scooped up with messages that are actually sent. Depending on the account I'm guessing the SA, GCHQ or the French would even scoop all the traffic flowing to the web server or download all the provider's data on the server. You know if

An alternative is to just use a Google Docs spreadsheet or some alternative Office style service to host an importable spreadsheet file. Using an actual account has the advantage of being easier to import across different devices and applications. The account also can be used for group calendars as Over-the-River

That's what Ally Mcqaeda was doing.

Came in here looking for a tutorial on how to make a Flowbee.

What do I do when I feel a cold coming on or someone around me has one?

Considering how corporate America can rig FDA panels who look at whether or not some product is a public health hazard and leave things long outlawed in other nations on our store shelves, while Americans are systematically undereducated via fucked up inept schools, those surveys sound about right. Ask those same

You're going to have pull down menu's with features and prices. Designer babies featuring Michael Jordan's fast twitch muscle fiber ($900k) and Brad Pitt's grill ($400k) or Denzel's ($355k) or Angelina Jolie's ($275k on sale!. Stephen Hawking's cerebral cortex just $999,999. Gattaca on crack.

I bet he knew sending the text would fuck his dad's birthday up. I guess he knows how to play offense too. Mike Sam Jr. is the man.

1 Leatherman tool

So the NSA gathering info on Americans in America for non-terrorism activity is ok with you. That's against the rules which is why law enforcement lie in court to hide what actually took place. It is a binary thing to ask "Is this terror related?" and when the answer is no, you drop it.

So the IRS and DEA are preventing terror attacks? I didn't know folks in Gitmo were getting audited for smoking doobies.

Dear NSA Street Team,

Throw this flick in the pile along with any movie where Ice Cube plays a suburban dad. It's trash. I think Sandler, Rock and Spade are funny under certain circumstances. King of Queens was only good when Ben Stiller's dad was upstaging everybody else. I'm waiting for Rob Schneider to join Fox News.