More garbage
More garbage
Right and that you keep replying is proof. Keep your garbage coming, you clearly can't resist.
That is the joke, I've been doing this because clearly you can't walk away without getting the last word in. Keep it coming buddy.
Oh boy, this is a garbage conversation. I will be throwing this out now, have a good day.
Yeah, that is my point, that italian is never spoken in AC3. Hence my sarcasm.
Right, because of all the italian they are speaking in Colonial America.
Well, better late than never. How about removing the always-online DRM next?
Because all the footage of the game that is captured for trailers is probably in 2560x1440 with ultra max settings on a powerful PC. Just my guess.
Yeah my understanding was that the leads at Criterion didn't want to keep making racing games forever. So they are probably making something totally unrelated to racing and don't need a team of 50+ people to do the most preliminary prototyping and brainstorming. I expect when the 17 people at Criterion have a project…
I'm so sick of seeing children playing mature rated games. Parents would never let their kids go to see R-rated movies, but they are letting them play R-rated games. Fucking criminally negligent parents.
Seriously, Majora's Mask was a cult classic. I doubt we'll ever see another Zelda game quite like it.
People don't get hired all on one day. The only hires that make the news are big celeb hires. But generally, hiring individuals happens over weeks or months, and never warrants a press release. But firings usually involve a number of employees and subsequently have a press release.
Monitors please!
Lame, I don't want to wait that long. November 8th was a better date.
Yeah, I don't think the DRM would actually hurt the game content itself. It is a matter of principle. Blizzard thinks they are clever by hiding DRM behind a veil of bullshit saying it is "part of the game design for multiplayer experiences." They know exactly what they are doing, they are turning a completely optional…
I can't wait to play D3. I skipped the PC version out of protest of the always-online DRM. But now, the superior console version offers me the game I want to play without the shitty business and design choices of DRM or the RMAH. Hurrah, I get to have my cake and eat it too (about a year later).