
Dragon Age Inquisition looks like it might be the best game Bioware has ever made. I am excited to see Bioware back on the horse, from their marketing and reveals so far, it is clear, Bioware is swinging for a homerun and with the time and resources they are pouring into DAI, they intend to hit.

Every MMO goes through these kinds of launches. AND, every one of those MMOs also get shit on by gamers and critics for shitty launches. No recent MMO has had launch problems that haven't been reported on, this is just part of the process.

No one is going to selflessly give up something they want for someone else, or even for their own delayed gratification. We're talking about gamers here, instant gratification and consumption.

AFK idling to stay in game is a classic MMO tactic. This happened in Aion until they put an afk timer in and then the servers cleared up. In Darkfall, we used to run multiple clients, the first one to get in game, and the second would stay open and logged in for when we would inevitably crash out of the first client.

Hmm, I was expecting them to mention Goldeneye. Dual-wielding Moonraker lasers was pretty great.

Playable races and isometric camera. Yeah baby, Bioware is back!

Oh no, not the poofs!

Any food that stains your fingers orange should not be eaten. I think that is rule 1 of food.

It looks like a book cover and it looks great. I want to buy this game just to put this box on my shelf, and I friggin hate physical media.

Thanks for the answer Evan, I'm going to check those videos out.

I'm trying to skip spoilers, so I apologize for not reading the article. My question is, is this a good game to get into the Lost Planet series? I've never played any of the games before and my understanding is that this is a prequel. I love story-driven games, so I'm starting to get curious about LP3. Worth it if I

One platform with every game. It makes zero sense for me to have to use multiple game clients to access multiple game libraries. I want my stuff on my terms.

Friday? Do consoles launch on Thursday nights? That seems a little odd.

The idea to let people download game files so far in advance is just asking for trouble.

I've heard literally all those features advertised in Mortal Online. They sound great, but please, let me see them actually working.

As I have played a lot of ME3 Multiplayer, this is no surprise to me. Everyone I know who is a whale in that game is a braggadocious young man. They want to show off with their loot and are happy to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to do so.

I didn't know this, thank you for this gem of info!

Yeah, any game asking for a subscription has to justify that monthly expense. This is why failing at launch is such a huge problem for recent MMOs. Once they have a rough launch, the reputation is that it is "another failed MMO" which perpetuates the idea that the game is on a downward spiral and not worth playing.

I'm so sick of hearing people say the subscription model is dead. No it is not. Many subscription games have failed, but they failed for literally dozens of other reasons, not because they were subscription based.

I need to know, can we travel to Jupiter? I mean, Saturn is pretty good, but Jupiter?!